Joseph Schnaier Scholarship 2022-2023 For Finance Students

Mr. Schnaier has a long career in finance, and he looks forward to the chance to give back to the upcoming generation of finance students through his scholarship award.
The Joseph Schnaier Scholarship for Finance Students announces our fund as open to future finance students who are located in the United States. We will provide scholarship funding to a deserving student that is studying to enter a career in the field of finance, and we aim to create further awareness for the issues shouldered by young students on their paths to a career in finance.

To apply, be a current business student at a university who is studying to become a finance professional in the United States or a high school student that will attend university for a finance degree.
The scholarship will be given to the winner of our essay competition. One winner will be selected with the best creative essay of under 1000 words answering the following:
“Describe a problem in the finance industry today and how you would change it for the better as a finance professional”

One time award of $1,000

The deadline to apply for the scholarship is May 15, 2023.

Winner Announced
The winner for the scholarship will be announced June 15, 2023.
