Rotary Scholar Annual Scholarship

The Rotary Scholarship is awarded each year to a student in any field of study at Cape Fear Community College. Applicants must have maintained a B average grade in high school and submit an essay describing how the CFCC education may help the candidate in serving their community. Preference is given to a student who previously graduated from Williston Middle School. If an eligible candidate who previously attended Williston is not available, the scholarship may be awarded to another deserving student. The scholarship may be awarded to the same student in the second year if a B average is maintained.
Criteria: High School GPA will be retrieved for top applicants, with a preference for 3.0 GPA.
1. Incoming New Student
2. Instructor Recommendation
3. Student must be willing to meet the donor
4. Donor shall be 1/3 of scholarship review committee
5. Preference for Williston graduate

Wilmington Rotary Club
Area of Study
Any program applicable